
Utilizing The Best Out of Preamps, Both Vintage and Modern

Utilizing The Best Out of Preamps, Both Vintage and Modern

The last couple of weeks we have discussed in depth the various preamp types available on the market. From old to new, all these preamps have some stark changes in sound, quality, design, and most importantly color - but there are also some common elements shared across the board in a lot of cases and today I wanted to talk about utilizing these to best help your recordings, streamline your mixing, and get the most out of your microphone. Lets dive in. 

Microphone Capsules - What Makes Them Different?

Microphone Capsules - What Makes Them Different?

Microphones can usually be divided up into 3 categories - Dynamic, Condenser, and Ribbon. But within these mic’s there is a whole lot more going on, and I want to touch on that today, along with a new video expressing the sound characteristics that marry these microphones and why.

Carry on being Creative in Isolation: The Basics Of Making a Good Home Recording

Carry on being Creative in Isolation: The Basics Of Making a Good Home Recording

For those who don’t know, I am the biggest Star Wars nerd on the planet. My obsession with the franchise is verging on unhealthy - but it has given me a vast amount of quotes and life lessons I've held close to me for about the last decade and a half. One of the most valued is a quote from Master Yoda, in the recent sequel series; ‘The greatest teacher, failure is’. 

5 Tips To Improve Your Guitar Tone

5 Tips To Improve Your Guitar Tone

While you have tons of time to practice and play guitar, lets use this time to help you improve your tone with our 5 main tips while mixing and recording guitars!

Enhance Your Mix with spatial effects

Enhance Your Mix with spatial effects

...referring to the big 2 - Reverb and Delay. After this, hopefully you’ll have a larger awareness of how to apply both of these, why, and most importantly, in a creative and intuitive way!

4 Tricks to a More Clear, and Better Translating Mix

4 Tricks to a More Clear, and Better Translating Mix

What makes their mixes so great? Surely, a good mix is subjective, right? Well, yes and no.  A good mix in the context we’re talking about is controlled, translates well across several types of playback sources, and most importantly I personally think, makes you want to turn it up! So let's talk about how 4 Simple Tricks can help you achieve that. 



Record world-class vocals that sound "expensive" on limited gear.

Studio Spending - Where is your money best spent and why? 

Studio Spending - Where is your money best spent and why? 

Many home studios, or new to the game producers (hell, even ones that have been in it for a few years!) fail to invest in the correct things to better their quality, their workflow, and their knowledge of this craft. With this in mind, I felt it was worth sharing some insights that allowed me to move from recording 3-4 bands a year, and struggling to quit my full time job - to having my studio booked up 6 months in advance, and working with label bands.

Compression - How to use it, and Why?

Compression - How to use it, and Why?

Compression is a topic that's been covered so many times - however, I’ve always approached production more as a science than as an art, and with this in mind, I think you’ll find this quick guide more helpful than you’d first have thought! 

5 Essential Steps to Create Radio Ready Vocals

5 Essential Steps to Create Radio Ready Vocals

Vocals are the hardest part for most aspiring recording and mixing engineers to master, and actually - more often than not, it’s not all down to them!

Proximity Effect - Why you NEED to know about this phenomenon

Proximity Effect - Why you NEED to know about this phenomenon

Simply put, The Proximity Effect is a phenomenon that increases the low-end frequency response of a microphone the closer to the source it is put. 

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