
Recording Sources the BB29 Unexpectedly Excels On

Recording Sources the BB29 Unexpectedly Excels On

The BB29 50% off sale has been on for the last week or so now, with not long left for you to save a huge amount on one of our best microphones, and...

Utilizing The Best Out of Preamps, Both Vintage and Modern

Utilizing The Best Out of Preamps, Both Vintage and Modern

The last couple of weeks we have discussed in depth the various preamp types available on the market. From old to new, all these preamps have some stark changes in sound, quality, design, and most importantly color - but there are also some common elements shared across the board in a lot of cases and today I wanted to talk about utilizing these to best help your recordings, streamline your mixing, and get the most out of your microphone. Lets dive in. 

Microphone Capsules - What Makes Them Different?

Microphone Capsules - What Makes Them Different?

Microphones can usually be divided up into 3 categories - Dynamic, Condenser, and Ribbon. But within these mic’s there is a whole lot more going on, and I want to touch on that today, along with a new video expressing the sound characteristics that marry these microphones and why.

5 Essential Steps to Create Radio Ready Vocals

5 Essential Steps to Create Radio Ready Vocals

Vocals are the hardest part for most aspiring recording and mixing engineers to master, and actually - more often than not, it’s not all down to them!

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