
Mic Shootouts and Blending Microphones

Mic Shootouts and Blending Microphones

Last week I worked with an artist that had a beautiful voice, coupled with a brilliant guitarist. Sometimes things just fall into place and the way two artists link together melds a beautiful, evolving performance without you as an engineer or producer doing too much to embellish upon their idea in the first place. However, this can make your brain race as you want to capture the performance and the track perfectly to marry their incredible talents with your otherworldly knowledge of what mics are best without having to put much thought into it. I’m here to tell you to approach this the same as any other session and take a deep breath first and foremost.

Microphone Capsules - What Makes Them Different?

Microphone Capsules - What Makes Them Different?

Microphones can usually be divided up into 3 categories - Dynamic, Condenser, and Ribbon. But within these mic’s there is a whole lot more going on, and I want to touch on that today, along with a new video expressing the sound characteristics that marry these microphones and why.

Compression - How to use it, and Why?

Compression - How to use it, and Why?

Compression is a topic that's been covered so many times - however, I’ve always approached production more as a science than as an art, and with this in mind, I think you’ll find this quick guide more helpful than you’d first have thought! 

5 Essential Steps to Create Radio Ready Vocals

5 Essential Steps to Create Radio Ready Vocals

Vocals are the hardest part for most aspiring recording and mixing engineers to master, and actually - more often than not, it’s not all down to them!

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