Carry on being Creative in Isolation: The Basics Of Making a Good Home Recording
For those who don’t know, I am the biggest Star Wars nerd on the planet. My obsession with the franchise is verging on unhealthy - but it has given me a vast amount of quotes and life lessons I've held close to me for about the last decade and a half. One of the most valued is a quote from Master Yoda, in the recent sequel series; ‘The greatest teacher, failure is’.
5 Tips To Improve Your Guitar Tone
While you have tons of time to practice and play guitar, lets use this time to help you improve your tone with our 5 main tips while mixing and recording guitars!
Enhance Your Mix with spatial effects
...referring to the big 2 - Reverb and Delay. After this, hopefully you’ll have a larger awareness of how to apply both of these, why, and most importantly, in a creative and intuitive way!
Compression - How to use it, and Why?
Compression is a topic that's been covered so many times - however, I’ve always approached production more as a science than as an art, and with this in mind, I think you’ll find this quick guide more helpful than you’d first have thought!
Phase EQ - What is it and why is it SO Important to Mixing Guitars???
Phase EQ is a simple approach to a complicated question - How do I get the right tone?!