Carry on being Creative in Isolation: The Basics Of Making a Good Home Recording
For those who don’t know, I am the biggest Star Wars nerd on the planet. My obsession with the franchise is verging on unhealthy - but it has given me a vast amount of quotes and life lessons I've held close to me for about the last decade and a half. One of the most valued is a quote from Master Yoda, in the recent sequel series; ‘The greatest teacher, failure is’.
Studio Spending - Where is your money best spent and why?
Many home studios, or new to the game producers (hell, even ones that have been in it for a few years!) fail to invest in the correct things to better their quality, their workflow, and their knowledge of this craft. With this in mind, I felt it was worth sharing some insights that allowed me to move from recording 3-4 bands a year, and struggling to quit my full time job - to having my studio booked up 6 months in advance, and working with label bands.