Latvian microphone manufacturer JZ Microphones announces unique opportunity to trade-in any studio microphone to expand display of studio microphones museum hosted by manufacturer itself. JZ Microphones offers 20% off on any of JZ products to everyone who decides to participate in this trade-in programm.  

 After spending all life manufacturing and restoring microphones, chief engineer of JZ Microphones Juris Zarins is planning on opening a microphone museum. This museum will include exhibits from Mr. Zarins personal collection and also prototypes of JZ Microphones products. To ensure that everyone can participate in this initiative JZ Microphones offers a trade-in programm. Any studio microphone recieved by JZ Microphones will it’s previous owner a 20% discount on any JZ product. To take part please send an e-mail to Microphones can be returned to factory in Riga, Latvia or to warehouse in Los Angeles, USA.

 Museum will be opened in factory building in Riga, Latvia as well as online with all exhibits available worldwide, to anyone with an internet connection, for free. Every item in the exhibit will have a short description, showing country of origin as well as comment from Mr. Zarins.



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