It’s almost over everyone. Another year, and very shortly, another Christmas holiday completed followed by another year as well - and to be quite honest, what a year it’s been already!
It wasn’t too long ago that we were collectively shut-ins within our own homes and dealing with a global pandemic. And yet, this year we’ve seen a return to normal life and even more so, an elevation in all things recording and production; from podcasts to new home studios, more first time microphone buyers to brand new artists and bands taking the world by storm.
So for the last time prior to Christmas, let’s take a look back at this year and everything it’s had to offer in short.
Let’s dive in!
New Products
Like any year, it’s pretty well expected that there’ll be a surplus in new products being made and brought to market. This year, however, we’ve had some pretty huge advances in the plugin world and digital world over, such as the new additions to our friends at Waves, Plugin Alliance, Neural DSP’s ever growing list of Archetype plugins, Getgood Drums fantastic and assorted plugins, Arturia bringing even more scythe flavours to life, and many, many more.
As well as the digital world though, many of you have seen our own additions here at JZ Mics too. Our long anticipated Universal Vintage Series Shockmount system was the highlight for many and an abundance of you have enjoyed its seamless ability to cradle and protect all mics with the body of the V47/67/12. If you’ve been living under a rock, the shockmount system has been long awaited with various issues along the way in the background that we’ve had to overcome, so for us as a team here as well, it’s a major highlight of this year.
Another highlight as well, is the release of our custom laser cut hardwood boxes to ensure safety when not using your microphones. Until the release of the boxes, many of you were forced to either create new and inventive storage methods (such as my literal microphone locker) or use the boxes they were shipped in, which definitely do a fine job of protection but aesthetically they left you wanting. Now, thanks to the technology at hand, we’ve been able to bring cost-friendly alternatives to storage which, to my knowledge, everyone that has purchased one has been thrilled with the result!

15 Years and a Ever-growing Community
This year for me, if I might take a moment, has been a momentous one for various reasons. While writing this blog, I will have already entered my 3rd year working with JZ Mics and I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. But one of the main reasons for that, aside from just simply loving my job, is the community we’ve managed to curate in our JZ Mics Members Area via Facebook.
Again, for those who may have only just started reading the blog, or maybe do in fact literally live under a rock, our community area is a place where JZ Mics owners are invited to participate amongst other like minded and wonderful individuals, to have conversations had between us all from every corner of the globe. On top of that, it’s a place for all our members to not only access extra discounts and secret sales, earlybird access and more, but also take part in competitions with huge prizes such as our most recent where 1st and 2nd place were able to choose any 2 microphones or any one microphone (respectfully) of their choice to win!
This year, JZ Microphones celebrated it’s 15th Anniversary since conception and I would make a good case for it being the best yet. I know that we’ve just gone past thanksgiving, but this time in the holiday season is always the time when I find myself reflecting the most every year; and this year the time I’ve had to reflect has brought me to the conclusion that without all of you reading this blog, being community members, or simply just having a curious mind, I wouldn’t have one of the best jobs in the world.
So from me, to all of you out there, and on behalf of JZ mics - Thank You! It means the world to the team and I, that we get to bring you this content, our products, and more, as well as to see you all doing incredible things each and every day.
Have a wonderful holiday, and I will see you all in the next blog post where we’ll be looking forward to the new year!